
I'm Back!!

Hi everybody! Julie here, and I'm back. 

I know it's been ages since I've posted, and we have a lot to catch up on. Here goes!

During the time I haven't posted, Lily moved house. Her new house is more spacious and large, which leads to another plus: more interesting photos, etc. Which leads to something which I'll add after this. 

I would post some photos for you, but the computer isn't exactly being friendly right now. Will be fixed soon. Hopefully.

33 followers?! Thank you all! I am very grateful!

Lily still hasn't got Kanani yet.

At the moment, I am very lonely. Kit and Josefina got put in a box which is yet to be opened. I miss them.

And that's about it. 

Anyway, here's something I should've done earlier in the year:

Things to Expect in 2011:

  1. More Photos.
  2. More Posts.
  3. Possibly a youtube channel, which Lily will create a stop-motion video.
  4. Possibly a competition or two. Or three!
And that's about it for today. Sorry it's hardly anything, will post longer soon.

Peace Out,


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