20 random facts about me, Juliet Marie Albright, born May the 1st. Awesome day.
- 20 is my favorite number.
- I like eating tacos on Saturday nights! And I love the colour purple, by the way.
- School isn't my favorite place - I don't dislike or like it.
- I'm not so talented at a computer.
- Summer = XD!
- I was born on May 1st.
- I like camping, on warm, summer nights.
- Luna is my favorite HP Character.
- Lily is really, really, HP crazy. She finished the series when she was really little.
- Is how old I used to be.
- Is how old I am.
- Is how old I will be.
- I really want another sister.
- I'm not brilliant at school, I'm average - slightly-above-average.
- Kit keeps on pushing me to read more.
- I hope one day I'll be famous in a good way.
- Most of these 20 random facts start with the letter I. I don't like that letter, I. It annoys me.
- Music - I have to live with it.
- J is an awesome letter.
- Am I already at 20?