
It's Raining... It's Pouring... I'm Pouting...

Yuck. Rain. Horrible, annoying, good-for-nothing rain. It is pouring down here. Which means I'm bored out of my wits. Two  Three reasons why I hate rain:

1. Nothing to do except talk, write, draw, listen, talk some more, listen even more, eat, breathe... I think you get the point.

2. After it's stopped raining, I want to go out and yell IT STOPPED RAINING!! But after it's rained, Lil has one rule: after raining = indoors. Because of mud. But personally, I like mud.

3. And three, well there really isn't a three because I had to make a three because I don't like the number two and no way would anything in my life ever end at two, full stop. 

Anyway. (Thinking back to number three, I also have three besties -- Sienna, Ashlynn and Laine. My sisters are my besties as well but they're my sisters. And you may think I have two sisters, but BTW together we make 3. I've proved my point.)

Here are some photos of me in the rain. You can't tell it's raining, but trust me, it is. 

Personal Favourite.

Woohoo! Excuse me. I just remembered I'm going on holidays with Lil tomorrow and I get to catch a plane -- for the first time! I'm giddy with excitement! Kit and Josie won't be posting 'cause no posting when Lily's not here. So, I'll post in about one week's time! I'll get some pics for you! On the down side, I'll miss Ashlynn's major slumber, but where going to have a private one all to ourselves when she gets back. She promises. I have to go pack, so:

Peace Out,



  1. Cool! I love slumber parties! Hannah

  2. Where are you,your sisters and Lilly going?

  3. Hey Julie!
    I just found it and I really like.So do my dolls! :)It's been raining here too but today it snowed! It was fun to play in espically when I didn't have any school.

  4. Hi Julie! When are you going to make a new post?
