

Yippee!!! It's summer down here is Australia. You don't know how happy I am! Because it is now Summer (actually it was Summer 12 days ago) I think it is about time I'll have a little, and my first competition. 
Rules: Write in 50 words or less what Summer is to you or send in a picture of what Summer is to you visually. I know it's a bit hard if you live up north, but it's not impossible! Send in your entry to juliealbright.46@gmail.com

Include your name/nickname, blog link (if you have one), email and entry.

The photos must be your OWN that you have taken yourself. Editing is allowed. Photos and paragraphs must be appropriate.
It does not matter whether it is a photo or paragraph. I'll be judging on what I think is best.
You do not need to have a blog to enter.

Prize: A photo certificate you can post on your blog for 1st, 2nd and 3rd winners.

I will post all entries on my blog. 

Competition ends on 19th of December and winner will be announced on the 24th, just in time for christmas.

 If you have any questions, simply email me or comment. 

Good luck to everybody!!! Please enter!!

Peace Out,



  1. That sounds so cool! I'll certainly be entering once I ask my parents :)


  2. I'd love to enter is there a prize if so my mom would never let me give out my address.

  3. Caelen - there is no prize, I'm only sending a certificate by email which you can copy onto your blog.

